India LCA Alliance (ILCAA) is a comprehensive, information and knowledge sharing platform created by FICCI to enhance awareness and increase understanding on Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) in India. Its members are LCA practitioners and organizations that use or are interested in Life Cycle Assessment & Management (LCA/M) related tools and approaches to better manage the environmental outcomes of their organization/products and/or their stakeholders/clients. In operation since 2012, ILCAA seeks to build capacity among industry, government, civil society and NGOs in India on Life Cycle concepts and tools.
As a unique body for mainstreaming LCT in India, ILCAA has established the Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management (ILCM) as the only Indian forum in India that focuses exclusively on LCA/LCM approaches while providing a unique opportunity to interact with Indian LCA community, enhance awareness about its work and reach out to a wide audience. The ILCM platform has been endorsed by Government of India's Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
Primary objectives of ILCAA
Community To develop a network among interested people spanning Governments, Industries, R&D institutions, academic institutions and NGOs
Knowledge To share National and International best practices on LCA/M implementations
Outreach To create large scale awareness and build national capacity on LCA/M through conferences, training programmes and pilot projects
- One stop shop in India for all LCA/M information
- Stay connected with experts
- Information exchange
- Post queries/share experiences
- Stay updated on best practice/case studies